
Today, for a nation to be recognized as civilized, it has to include the word “democracy” as a denomination of the government's regime or in the name of the country itself.

This is the reason why the first measure taken by Laurent Kabila, the obstinate guerrilla fighter recently placed into office as the ruler of former-Zaire, renamed the country as the “Democratic” Republic of Congo. Thus, one more nation came to join the already long list of several other converted nations, like: Algeria, North Korea, Laos, Somalia, Sri Lanka…

The fact that these countries are far from respecting the principal basics of liberty is neither of any consequence to its leaders, nor to the international community. On labeling themselves democratic, they glide through the first indispensable step of reaching the platform of the reliable nations, from there on being able to exercise some of the exclusive prerogatives: like trading with more favorable conditions, economic and military assistance and principally to gain praise and the blessing of the United States - invested as guardian of democracy - and its European court.

This grotesque situation clearly exhibits, the true pillar on which the democratic regime of this planet rests: hypocrisy .

Democracy is founded on hypocrisy. Everything that is related to this political regime, in the end always ends up in some kind of hypocritical argument.

There is nothing more hypocritical when it is said that the people are wise, right. Most of the time however, the ones who chose the leaders, behave like an indolent cattle herd, being steered from one side to the other by the political leaders that give political promises that are never fulfilled.

There is only hypocrisy in the common expressions of democratic practice: “political bargaining,” “the basis of parliamentary support,” “the compatibility of interests”… They are all euphemisms for pure and simple corruption.

It is nothing other than hypocrisy when it is said that power is exercised on behalf of the people. The congresses and the parliaments elected to carry out this function in the democratic countries are national tumors, which at each election are insufficiently monitored and increase malignantly, disseminating with redoubled zeal the metastasis of corruption. How can one believe in the longevity of such a weak organism?

In fact, the only encouraging thing that is extracted from this depressing picture is the knowledge that democracy will inevitably die. It is neither a rash affirmative nor a prophecy without fundament, only a fore vision of an inevitable, natural and automatic process of purification.

All that is wrong, noxious or useless cannot remain indefinitely. Whatever does not adapt to the certain basic laws, or natural laws, cannot last long, be it man's nature or a product of his being in the world, like his way of living, economic doctrines, religious and philosophical systems, or political regimes.

The same process or law that acts automatically swept the planet free of the communist system in one go, because it was wrong and insane. It has also brought down (and continues doing so) all types of political regimes that are based on force and oppression, and this same process will also disintegrate the corrupt democratic system, when the time for that has come. Better put, it will clean Earth of this system.

The remaining political class will need to redirect its objectives and procedures, adjusting them to very different principals than those used today; otherwise it too will not last.

The political regime of the future will be more like one used by certain ancient civilizations in the past, deliberately relegated as a historical curiosity or completely forgotten by this strange creature, modern Homo politicus that in his ill foreseen decadence titled himself as self-sufficient, but through his acts has only shown himself to be self-deluded.

Roberto C. P. Junior