The fact that very strict laws govern the Universe, science has already discovered, verified and admitted, and for quite some time now. So on the behalf of science, the recognition of these laws has been continuous and growing.

Since the first astronomical discoveries of ancient people through the solid foundations of Newton's classical physics, until arriving at the not so obvious postulates of the quantum physics; with its strange “principal of uncertainty”, expanded time, events that only exist when observed and others even stranger still that are even more difficult to understand, this has been in progress.

With further advances of scientific discoveries, in its multiple fields of work, it increasingly verifies an immense order in everything. The coherent results of its experiments; be they simple or complex, testifies the existence of laws in the Universe, according to which the phenomena are formed. They are perennial and unchangeable laws that in many cases, it is even possible to foresee the result of an experiment even before its execution. And in the cases where the result is not predictable, it can be affirmed in advance, with absolute safety, that it will never be in conflict with the known laws.

In each new phenomenon discovered by science, the performance of those same inflexible laws is recognized.

The study of the “fractals”, for example, among other effects demonstrates that when enlarging the view in microscopic scale of an any natural element, no matter how many times it may be, the same geometric form always reappears, this also includes the magnificent spiral formations, re-entrances and saliencies of geological appearance. It is a world in itself, which emotes by its unexpected beauty something that has been totally unknown of until recently. For example, in natural formations that until now had been considered as contingent, like the simple snow flake, it was discovered, in a well magnified scale of observation, an unsuspected order that follows an unalterable pattern right through.

Lately, it is Biology that has contributed with a surprisingly large amount of such material to the annals of mathematical science:

A live cell has about twenty amino acids, whose functions depend on two thousand specific enzymes. Researchers have discovered that the probability of half these enzymes, thus a thousand, assemble in an orderly way, according to the cell, it is a chance of 10 over a 1,000. This number is represented by the figure 1 followed by a thousand zeros… Only for us to have a faint idea of what this means, it is enough to consider that the size of the observable Universe now is in the order of 10 over 28 centimeters, that means, a number of centimeters represented by the figure 1 followed by twenty-eight zeros. If one day that number arrives at 10 over 29 centimeters, it will mean that the observable Universe will have increased by ten times. A chance in 10 over a 1,000 for the contingently ordered arrangement of half the enzymes of a cell, simply, is it the same as saying that the possibility of the life having appeared by chance in probabilistic terms is zero.

Are they not impressive discoveries? Of course they are. So much so that they would leave anyone amazed in astonishment.

However, there is still something more impressive amidst all of these scientific discoveries. There is something capable of leaving an attentive observer even more perplexed with these fantastic discoveries. It is, the surprising lack of scientific interest in knowing, Who in fact put these laws into the Universe. By the way, laws that science itself proved to exist and tries to understand with growing accuracy and has already verified by them to be absolutely uniform and impossible to bypass.

If earthly human laws, notoriously imperfect and fragmentary, have well-known authors, how can one suppose that these universal laws, intangible in their perfection and impassible in their inclusion, could have appeared from nothing? By what phenomenon, through the countless scientific studies in the last millennia was it stated that perfection could have appeared by chance?

What makes science, that is so demanding in tangible and measurable results unable to see for itself the obvious conclusion, of an infantile obviousness, that only a superior Will could have inserted laws like this, so perfect and understanding, into the Universe? What strange and powerful force is this, what shuts the lips of sciences' disciples and impedes them from mumbling the word “God” to themselves? Intellectual pride? Or is it the presumption of knowledge? Fear? Shame?

Without a doubt a little of everything, added to the voluntary spiritual atrophy of these humans, that previously condemn as nonexistent or lacking sense, whatever they cannot see, weigh, or measure… That, wanting (or defenseless) of the most elementary sense of ridicule affirm, “that there is no proof” of the existence of a Supreme Being, while they themselves constitute the most evident proof…

If the scientists could reach the conclusion that only a Creator could insert laws in the work of Creation, a world of new discoveries would open up to them immediately. They would not be so firmly tied to the restricted wondering of the intellect, but they would principally use their spiritual capacities. And thus free themselves of the nickname “scientists”, for they would have reached to the stage of “sage.”

And the wiser they become, through this growing recognition, the humbler they would be too. With respect to this, you can be absolutely sure. The harmful weed of presumption can only flourish in soil withered by stupidity. And against stupidity, as you well know, even gods would fight in vain…

With the growing recognition, on catching a glimpse of the existence of a Wisdom and an order that surpasses by far the visibly and touchable physical phenomena, the former-scientists would understand just how little, in fact, they know of the work of Creation. And then they would arrive, finally, at the evolutionary state that Socrates had already reached 2,400 years ago, that made him the wisest man of his time, for he was “the only one who knew that he knew nothing.”

Scientists today, with their dormant spirits and intellectual presumption, are unhappy and noxious creatures in the complex whole of Creation. The wise persons of tomorrow, with their awakened and humble spirits, will irradiate happiness of life and will be really useful servants in the vineyard of the Master.

* In the second part of this essay we will examine some concrete examples of the visible earthly effects of the universal laws.

Roberto C. P. Junior