Anyone who dares deal with this subject openly, having or not some knowledge about it will immediately be discredited before even starting, before even having his ideas analyzed and evaluated impartially. Prior to all else the person would be preventively labeled, as unmerciful, deceiver, usurper, one who mystifies, and also sectarian, fraud, and scoundrel. Adjectives that don't rhyme with lie, but which are all by-products of it.

Let's say quite a natural and predictable reaction, considering that the lie has already been enthroned for quiet some time now as the planetary tyrant of all nations, it is the beam that highlights the conduct of people and individuals – and consequently also determines their destinies, the world's most powerful witch doctor, that has nearly made humanity one big global zombies tribe with neither discernment nor individual will.

Everything, but absolutely everything in human life today is impregnated with lies. Political regimes, professions, religions, sciences, the arts, literature, esoteric beliefs and multi-faceted philosophies, nothing has been able to keep it out. And funnily enough many things prefer to embrace it. We live under the empire of the lie. It's as if the whole world has floundered in a dense repugnant mire that has submerged the entire human race in it, without resistance; together with its accomplishments that it is so proud of, impeding anyone to escape by chance, no matter how much one tries. And it also prevents people from seeing clearly or breathing pure air again.

Parents and children, teachers and students, bosses and employees, plus rulers and subjects have been entrenched in an eternal battle of lies between themselves. The lie has become the mainstay of modern life, the basis of family, professional and public relationships. The first lesson that a child learns whilst still in the cradle is how to lie and deceive, following the examples given by the parents and relatives. According to a recent survey in the United States, nothing less than 90% of the executives routinely lie in their daily work relations; the other 10% probably lied when they answered the survey… The so called diplomatic language, this hypocritical language that the heads of State use when they speak trying to say one thing when wanting to say another, is the embodiment of the institutional lie.

Then, what can be expected as an answer, when speaking about the truth to someone who uses the lie as a prop and counselor? Or could be expected of when trying to reason about the properties of pure crystalline water in the middle of a mire? Or would it be like wanting to praise the perennial values of honesty and sincerity to the pupils of Pinocchio? We have erected an altar to the lie inside ourselves, and that's why we always deviate with blind mistrust at any glimmer of the truth.

However, we now live at a time where this extremely sad state of affairs is about to change. It is neither because of man's effort nor his goodwill that have already given more than enough proof of being absolutely unable to administer his own house, and who has only used the gift of his freewill to transform this once paradisiacal planet into a ruined pigsty. The intervention that is now about to take place comes through a Superior Will, against which the human creature is completely impotent. A Will that doesn't beg a conversion to good, but imposes it.

So from now on, for the human beings that always insisted on acting like sand into the mechanism of the universal cogwheel, there are only two alternatives, in the last bifurcation of their existence: integrate once and for all – and fast – to the universal laws that govern Creation, basically the same as voluntarily obeying this Superior Will, or… perish.

Don't we also sweep our houses to throw away the accumulated dirt? Don't we insist on keeping it clean? Don't we forcefully remove the hard-stuck and hidden grime? So in our time now, the great house Earth is also being cleaned, even in its darkest corners. And that is the reason why now so much dirt appears to be coming out from the most unsuspected places. The air will still remain dirty and dusty for some time, with the cleaning that is now vigorously in process, before eventually clearing up little by little. Once the cleaning is over, the mire of the lie will also have been completely removed, and truth will once more occupy the place that befits it, reigning once again as the one and only legitimate world sovereign.

For who were capable of holding back the adjectives mentioned at the beginning of this essay until reading to the end from here on I would like to deal with the theme of the truth, without the slightest pretense or intention of covering it fully nor draining it partially. The purpose is only to give a direction to those who bring inside them, like a compass, the sincere longing of finding out, on their own, answers without gaps to primordial questions related to human life.

Therefore, what is the truth? Does one intangible and absolute truth exist? Could one of the thousands of religions and sects existing in the world today hold the knowledge of the absolute truth, knowledge without holes about the entire existence and universal action?

Generations of scholars and philosophers, mystics and religious people have bent over the question about the truth throughout the millennia. The result of this effort (more antagonistic than harmonious) has been a myriad of thinking spread out in all directions. From this neither a clear vision, nor a glimmer of what indeed exists has appeared, there is only uncertainty. Let us take a look at the main ones:

There is one well-known school of thought that nurtures a considerable number of followers that maintain, that there is no truth other than the one that one can perceive with one's own sensorial bodily organs and technical instruments, making it is a complete waste of time to make any effort to look for it. Another conception admits that there is a truth that embraces everything that exists, but considers the human being as incapacitated to discover and assimilate it. A third school pleads that each one of us has his own truth, making it multiple therefore there wouldn't be any single truth. The fourth supposition believes in the truth revealed by some religion, considering it as the only legitimate one, so that the truths sustained by other beliefs are seen as false or distorted. A fifth supposition is defended by the majority of esoteric movements, that affirm that a person can reach much higher levels of conscience (or something similar) and thus get closer and closer to the truth, as long as the person has initiated in the secret practices of the respective association. Here also, each of these entities possesses their own truth.

There is still another school, neither well-known nor esteemed that affirms there is indeed one absolute truth, and that the human being can obtain a certain degree of it once a certain number of his or her own requirements have been fulfilled, requirements that have nothing to do with external looks, cultural level or social condition, but deal directly and exclusively with his or her inner essence, that is, the human spirit. As the web of the lie has obscured everything in today's world, logically it is expected that the one, which is the least considered be the purest conception. And thus it is so. The truest of the conceptions about the truth is precisely this last one, and we will see in the second part of this essay why.

Many researchers believe that to find the truth it is necessary to renounce the world and live in asceticism, while many others are convinced that it is absolutely important to study a lot, perhaps even obtain a Ph.D. in Theology. The truth however is simplicity itself, both natural and logical. All else is an exclusive product of the human brain that we see today impelled, nurtured and driven by the lie.

Thus, in an absolutely logical and natural way, whatever is exclusively generated by the human intellect has to by fact be extremely far from the truth, when dealing with subjects that are beyond earthly concepts of time and space. In these circumstances, nothing can be further away from the truth than conceptions originating from intellective wondering that can never rise above the limited ambit of matter, even when adorned with the most fantastic – and infantile – thoughts of fantasy. This fact once understood constitutes the researcher's first step on one's path in search of the truth.

Roberto C. P. Junior