Far beyond what is known today as the Columns of Hercules, there is a great continent called Poseidon or Atlantis.
That is how Plato, the Athenian wise-man, who lived around 400 B.C., referred to the lost continent, which is unavailable in our maps today.
In order to speak about Atlantis, reference should be given to Roselis von Sass' writings. In her books, she presents aspects of the life and tragedy on Earth, formerly submerged under sea water, and captures the picture in a very unique way. Those people, who once lived there in an advanced development stage, were brought back to life through her. The only purpose she had in doing so was to provide assistance to the human beings of this day and age in their times of great suffering.
“Here on Earth, we are wrapped up by a colossal and invisible world, in which powers and spirits work together to guide us in the sense of ‘good’ or ‘evil’. Each one of us is bound to that world by thoughts and intuitive feelings.”
According to her book Atlântida Princípio e Fim da Grande Tragédia (“Atlantis – The Beginning and End of the Great Tragedy”):
“The exact location of the submerged kingdom is difficult to be determined today because more than ten thousand years have gone by since then. Let us not forget, either, that the bottom of the ocean is in constant activity and that, from that time onward, seaquakes and earthquakes have been the cause of land shifting, as well as many other changes. The axis of the Earth has also given in to quivering as the terrestrial crust goes up and down, expands and contracts around the Equator under the powerful influence of the Light.
One could say that Atlantis was approximately located somewhere between Ireland and the Bermudas, and that the Hebridean Islands are the mountains peaks of the submerged kingdom, peaks that have grown higher in the course of time.”
The scientist and researcher Jacques Cousteau found fragments of a continent that was lost in the deep-sea, near the Greek island Crete.
Long before the quake, the people from Atlantis knew about the prophecy regarding the changes that were to take place in the terrestrial crust, and that it would be due to a natural disaster. They were also aware of the fact that, at the right time, they would be warned and summoned to abandon the continent, as well as guided to search for a new place to live.
But, the Atlantis people also let themselves be seduced by thoughts of vanity or arrogance. Such a feeling found lodging within humankind as the development period unfolded. Ever since they started to increasingly use their ability to think, they began to suffocate their spirit spark - their actual living core - and that prevented their spirits from acting within the gross matter in a guided way.
The increasing use of the intellect led humanity to be chained down to the World of Gross Matter. This led human beings to become materialistic instead of acting more spiritually, which, as a result, would engender a healthier and everlasting development.
In Atlantis, the men got into the habit of thinking they were superior to everyone else. Because of this, many of them refused to heed the former prophecy since they considered themselves very capable of managing their new lifestyle despite the warnings.
In the final period, men felt more powerful than ever because it was through their semen that they could get the women pregnant. These women, however, began to hate their men and often got rid of their newborn baby-boys on account of the way they felt about males. Their eyes no longer glowed with confidence and happiness, but darted their mates with hatred, distrust and discontent.
Life in the continent suffered a drastic change that affected the climate. Plagues appeared, water got more and more scarce, and birds, as well as other animals, began to migrate elsewhere. Everything indicated that the time had come. Nevertheless, the dominant class made sure they attended to the uneasiness among the rest of the people.
The current situation of our planet is not very different from what has just been described. Let us just think for a minute of the reduction of the protective ozone layer in the terrestrial atmosphere over the Antarctica where there is a hole that today is the equivalent of an area almost four times the size of Brazil.
The spiritual mentor, Merlin, managed to convince a minority, at the time, who took his warning and managed to escape from the great tragedy described in Roselis von Sass' book.
Part of this small group moved to a very beautiful region located between two large rivers. That was how the Sumerians, known as the last truly wise people, originated. They were a nation who lived in harmony with the Laws of Creation, which expressed (and always will) the Will of God. They did not feel they were "better than anybody else” because they were led by their spirits. This is the reason why they were wise and powerful and their works have been brought down generation after generation up to our days.
Through the integrated activity of all the animistic forces, a world disappeared in the sea more than ten thousand years ago.
Then, the most shocking phenomenon of the world took place. An asteroid, or small moon, made its impetuous way toward the Earth and crashed upon Atlantis. It caused inexpressible disaster. It raised the waters of the ocean, shook the last piece of land of that country and buried what had once been a wonderful green and flowery kingdom of dazzling beauty. Atlantis no longer existed. It had completely disappeared from the face of the Earth in one horrifying day.
Despite all the environmental changes preceding the asteroid crash that caused the continent to submerge completely with all that existed on it, the obstinate and arrogant people of Atlantis did not want to listen to the warnings that had told them to leave while they could.
The deeply significant teachings, which can be found in the book cited above, have everything to do with the current, deplorable situation of our Planet, dominated by instant material gratification with no concern whatsoever for the future.
The book, Atlântida (or Atlantis, as the English version will be titled in the near future) narrates the history of the human tragedy in the lost continent. Any similarity with our time is no mere coincidence - it is the story about human failure, which has repeated itself once again.